Title | Closing the sanitation gap : the case for better public funding of sanitation and hygiene |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2004 |
Authors | Evans, B, Hutton, G, Haller, L |
Pagination | 25 p. |
Date Published | 2004-01-01 |
Publisher | OECD |
Place Published | Paris, France |
Keywords | access to sanitation, behaviour, cost recovery, hygiene, investment, monitoring, sanitation charges, sdipol |
Abstract |
Background paper for the Round Table on Sustainable Development. Provides an introduction to the sanitation gap, stating that lack of access to sanitation and the means of good hygiene is an assault against human dignity. At least 1.47 billion additional people need to gain access to basic sanitation before 2015. Governments can seek investment for sanitation from central government funds (including tax revenues and receipts from international organizations including ODA); regional/ local/ urban government; private sector; shared community resources; and from the household directly. The papers provide information on how progress could be made. While the costs of investing in sanitation may seem huge, they are dwarfed by the potential economic benefits. |
Notes | Includes references |
Custom 1 | 302.8 |