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TitleBusiness development services for community - managed small water enterprises : from post - construction support to business development services in Kenya
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsMehta, M, Virjee, K, Evans, B, Wathobio, K
Paginationxii, 36 p.; 12 refs.; 17 boxes; 7 fig.; 2 tab.
Date Published2007-04-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation Program - West and Central Africa (WSP-WCA)
Place PublishedNairobi, Kenya
Keywordskenya, rural areas, rural communities, rural development, rural supply systems, water supply

The rural water supply sector in Kenya has significant user investment. Rural communities often mobilize substantial contributions toward the investment costs of rural water supply schemes. Technical assistance is often provided by NGOs, the water service boards’ district water offices, and in a few cases, the private sector. It is estimated that community projects account for around 3,000 water supply schemes in Kenya. These often are operated as small enterprises and it is clearly the intention of the reform that this should become the norm, a sector served by small water enterprises with sufficient management skill to function autonomously within the regulatory framework. [authors abstract]



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