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TitleAnnotated water integrity scans : a manual to help assess integrity levels in specific sub-sectors of the water sector
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsVisscher, JT, Friede, JH
Pagination48 p.; 21 tab.; 2 fig.; 2 boxes
Date Published2011-05-01
PublisherWater Integrity Network - Berlin, DE, WIN
Place PublishedBerlin, Germany
KeywordsAnnotated Water Integrity Scan (AWIS), corruption, stakeholders

The Annotated Water Integrity Scan (AWIS) helps to improve integrity by facilitating constructive dialogue between different water sector stakeholders on issues
related to transparency, accountability, and participation (TAP), as well as the existing anti-corruption framework (ACF) and anticorruption measures (ACM). This dialogue may help policy-makers, local government officials, utility staff, regulators, private sector providers and consultants, civil society organisations, international development agencies, and representatives of the wateruser communities to establish priority actions which enhance water integrity and governance. The AWIS does not measure corruption directly, but rather sheds light on systemic weaknesses in the governance framework which leave the water sector vulnerable to corruption. [authors abstract]

NotesBibliography on p. 36
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