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TitleAchieving sustained sanitation for the poor : policy and strategy lessons from participatory assessments in Cambodia, Indonesia and Vietnam
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsMukherjee, N
Pagination38 p. : photogr., 6 fig., 2 tables
Date Published2001-04-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation Program - East Asia and the Pacific, WSP-EAP
Place PublishedJakarta, Indonesia
Keywordsbehaviour, cambodia, community participation, indonesia, participatory methods, policies, sanitation, sdiasi, sdipol, viet nam

Report based on site reports and country data summaries prepared by field research teams in Cambodia, Indonesia and Viet Nam. The study presents communities where sanitation interventions have been successful and learn from them what contributed to the success. It addresses the following questions: what does work for rural sanitation and why. What makes services sustainable and what leads to their effective use by all?

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