Published on: 24/03/2014
Triggered by the 2nd World Water Forum in The Hague water and sanitation received a lot of attention in 2000. The Vision shared in the meeting has raised hopes that everyone in the world will have access to better water and sanitation facilities in the next 25 years, provided we become more effective and more attention is given to the sector and particularly to sanitation promotion. The Forum gave IRC the opportunity to promote three important themes: Gender and Water, School Sanitation and Streams of Knowledge (SOK), the coalition of resource centres. As follow-up to the Forum an action plan was accepted for the water and sanitation sector in November at the 5th Global Forum of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) in Foz do IguaVu, Brazil. This plan places strong emphasis on advocacy, information sharing and networking, key issues IRC can build on and contribute to.