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Published on: 27/07/2022

WASH-FIT approach in rural areas in Mali

WASH in healthcare centres in Mali remains a major issue. According to the 2020 Mali JMP report, the coverage of improved services in healthcare centres in rural areas remains very low, 0% for water, 5% for sanitation and 42% for hygiene.

Since November 2019, IRC, in close collaboration with World Vision, has been implementing a pilot project entitled "Drinking water and maternal health". This project funded by the Swedish Postcode Foundation aims to ensure access to safe drinking water and sanitation in selected healthcare centres in Mali and Niger and to implement effective changes that produce improvements in health.


In Mali, this project concerns nine (9) health centres including three (3) community health centres and (6) rural maternities in the districts of Nossombougou, Ouolodo and Tioribougou.

This video retraces the implementation process of the “Drinking water and maternal health” project through the use of the WASH-FIT tool in the health establishments in question and the changes observed as well as the challenges. It also highlights the impact of the partnership between IRC, World Vision, and the partner municipalities in improving the quality of care.

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