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Published on: 20/07/2011

The National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB) has taken steps to nab water pirates in Colombo and the suburbs, an official said.

"We have established a special unit to nab water pirates. It is headed by a chief engineer in the NWSDB," Deputy General Manager, Western and Central (NWSDB), Gerard Fonseka said.

Nearly 120 such illegal water tappers in Colombo are nabbed every month by the NWSDB. There has been no need to implement such programmes in the other districts since complaints regarding tapping of water have not been reported from these areas, he said.

Once the water pirates are caught, the NWSDB would demand that they pay the fines within a given period of time and in the case of not obliging, legal action would be initiated.

According to Fernando, water has been pilfered either by tampering with the meters or obtaining water illegally. He further requested the public to inform the NWSDB about water pirates on their hot line (1939).

Source: Pabodha Hettige, The Island, 18 Jul 2011

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