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Published on: 15/09/2011

The Centre Régional pour l’Eau Potable et l’Assainissement à faible coût (CREPA) has established a local chapter in Rwanda.The Rwandan Minister of State for Energy and Water, Eng Collette Ruhamya, who is also the vice chair of the CREPA Ministerial Council, launched CREPA-Rwanda at an event in Kigali.

CREPA’s CEO Idrissa Doucoure said his organisation, which has its headquarters in Burkina Faso, plans to have a presence in all 54 African countries.

“Our plan for Rwanda is to focus on technology, researching for the key sector blockages and providing innovative and sustainable solutions to problems in the sanitation sector,” Doucoure said. He added that he plans to provide training and capacity building for key stakeholders like NGOs, civil society, government officials, and local government authorities who provide sanitation services under the decentralised process.

Source: Edwin Musoni, New Times /, 18 Jul 2011

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