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J. T. Visscher and G. C., G., Filtracion lenta en arena y pretratamiento : tecnologia para potabilizacion de agua, in Seminario internacional sobre technologia simplificada para potabilizacion del agua : agosto 17 al 21 de 1987 : memorias, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1987, p. 55 p.: fig., tab.
O. Langenegger, Groundwater quality : an important factor for selecting handpumps. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 11 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
L. P. Mde` Vrees, Machakos Diocese rain water tank programme : a description of a self-reliant programme. Catholic Diocese of Machakos, Development Office, Machakos, Kenya, p. 17 p.: 2 tech drwngs., 1987.
J. Milkov, Modified VIP latrine : construction guide. Monrovia, Liberia: World Health Organization (WHO), 1987, p. 10 p.: fig.
J. Milkov, Safe windlass shallow well : construction guide. World Health Organization (WHO), Monrovia, Liberia, p. 12 p.: photogr., tech. drwgs, 1987.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. Reg Delhi, Towards better health : disposal of human excreta - sanitary latrine, vol. no. 3. UNICEF Regional Office for South Central Asia, New Delhi, India, p. Flip chart, 10 cards, 1987.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. Reg Delhi, Towards better health : waterseal latrine (technical details). UNICEF Regional Office for South Central Asia, New Delhi, India, p. 12 p.: 4 fig., 3 photogr., 1987.
J. E. Turner and Romm, J. K., Care/Bolivia water supply and small scale irrigation program : a final evaluation of the USAID-financed project, vol. no. 162. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Washington, DC, USA, p. ix, 137 p.: ill., map, photogr., tab., fig., 1986.
P. Johansson, Plungerseals. Lund University, Institute of Technology, Department of Environmental Engineering, Lund, Sweden, p. 17 p., 1986.
L. H. Belz, Precasting fibrous ferrocement sanitary units. Lloyd H. Belz, Nuku'alofa, Tonga, p. 46 p.: photogr., techn. drwgs, 1986.
A. Appan, Wing, L. Kam, and Latham, B., Rainwater catchment : status and research priorities in the Southeast Asian region : proceedings of the regional seminar and workshop held in Khon Kaen, Thailand, 29 November to 3 December 1983, vol. 127e. International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, Ont, Canada, p. 246 p.: fig., photogr., tab., 1986.
R. A. Lambert, The rope-washer pump : a manual. Robert A. Lambert, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. 20 p.: fig., 1986.
N. Ministry o NP and Pokhara, N. P. Community, Standardisation of water supply elements : estimates and designs for fiscal year 2043/2044. Nepal, Ministry of Panchayat and Local Development, Regional Directorate, Pokhara, Nepal, p. 43 p.: fig., 1986.
S. Laver, Blair latrines builders instruction manual. Blair Research Laboratory, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. 30 p.: fig., 1985.
C. Pieck, Catchment and storage of rainwater. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: TOOL, 1985, p. 52 p.: fig.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Decennie Internationale de l'Eau Potable et de l'Assainissement : cooperation technique entre pays en developpement : experiences acquises en matiere de planification nationale pour la decennie : processus de planification et realisations a. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 19 p. ; fig., tab., 1985.
N. Zealand. M. NZ, Ferrocement tank construction for a rainwater collection system. New Zealand, Ministry of Works and Development, Directorate of Civil Engineering, Public Health, Wellington, New Zealand, p. 36 p.: ills., 1985.
A. Inversin, Hydraulic ram. Arlington, VA, USA: Volunteers in Technical Assistance, 1985, p. 55 p.: ill.
B. Brandberg, The latrine project, Mozambique, vol. 58erev. International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, Ont, Canada, p. 98 p.: fig., 1985.
R. Stark, Manual for the construction of latrines in Sarvodaya villages in Sri Lanka. Helvetas, Swiss Association for Development and Cooperation, Kandy, Sri Lanka, p. 30 p.: fig., 1985.
R. Young and Michaelides, G., Provisions in design and maintenance to protect water quality from roof catchments, International journal of environmental studies, pp. p. 1-11, 1985.
K. Nelson, Site investigations for small earth dams, in Developing world water [1985], 1985, pp. P. 46-49 : 4 fig., 2 photogr.
F. Heynes, Twin leaching pit toilets : design and construction manual. Indonesia, Puslitbang Pemukiman, Bandung, Indonesia, p. iv, 105 p.: fig., ill., tab., 1985.
C. M. Ritter, Understanding potable water storage, vol. no. 29:6/85. Arlington, VA, USA: Volunteers in Technical Assistance, 1985, p. 19 p.: fig., tab.
P. R. Morgan and Mara, D. D., Ventilated improved pit latrines : Zimbabwean brick design, vol. no. 1. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. iv, 47 p.: fig., tab., 1985.


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