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Found 4 results
Filters: Keyword is Urban Water Management (IUWM)  [Clear All Filters]
M. Kulshrestha and Vishwakarma, A., Efficiency evaluation of urban water supply services in an Indian state, Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp. p. 134 - 152; 8 tab.; 1 fig., 2013.
Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM): Toward Diversification and Sustainability, vol. 1. Global Water Partnership (GWP), Stockholm, Sweden, p. 4 p. 2 fig., 2013.
R. Philip, Decision-support tools : choosing a sustainable path, vol. Module 6. ICLEI European Secretariat GmbH, Freiburg, Germany, p. 49 p.; 17 fig.; 3 tab.; boxes, 2011.
R. Philip, Wastewater : exploring the options, vol. Module 5. ICLEI European Secretariat GmbH, Freiburg, Germany, p. 55 p.; 17 fig.; 3 tab.; boxes, 2011.
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