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K. Eales, Bringing pit emptying out of the darkness : a comparison of approaches in Durban, South Africa, and Kibera, Kenya. Business Partners for Development (BPD) Water and Sanitation Cluster, S.l., p. 9 p.; 1 fig.; 1 diagram, 2005.
C. Brocklehurst, Rogues no more? : water kiosk operators achieve credibility in Kibera. Water and Sanitation Program - East and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 12 p. : 1 fig., photogr., 1 tab., 2005.
S. Bongi and Morel, A., Understanding small scale providers of sanitation services : a case study of Kibera. Water and Sanitation Program - East and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 12 p. : 2 boxes, 2 fig., photogr., 6 tab., 2005.
S. Mehrotra and Morel, A., Enabling small-scale water providers in Kibera, in Towards the millennium development goals - actions for water and environmental sanitation : proceedings of the 29th WEDC conference, Abuja, Nigeria, 2003, Loughborough, UK, 2003, pp. p. 255-258 : 3 fig., 2 tabs.
G. McGranahan and Katui-Katua, M., Public private partnerships and the poor : small enterprises and water provision in Kibera, Nairobi. Loughborough, UK: Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, 2002, p. viii, 38 p.
R. M. Kariuki, Water and sanitation services in informal settlements : lessons learned from Kibera, Narobi. UNDP-World Bank, Regional Water and Sanitation Group Eastern and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, p. ca. 19 p. : boxes, fig., graphs, tabs., 1997.
M. Kariuki and Gikaru, L., The water kiosks of Kibera. UNDP-World Bank, Regional Water and Sanitation Group Eastern and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 4 p. : 2 boxes, 3 photogr., tab., 1997.
M. Kariuki and Kunguru, J., Congestion and human responses to getting rid of waste, in Conference on safe water environments, Eldoret, Kenya, August 21-23, 1995, 1996, pp. P. 24-32 : 1 box, 2 tab.
G. P. Alabaster, Coffey, M., and Wegelin-Schuringa, M. H. A., Evaluation of novel pit-latrine exhauster with improved access for low-income settlements. UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 2 p. : 1 fig., 1 tab., 1996.
M. H. A. Wegelin-Schuringa, Gitonga, J., and Kodo, T., Innovative emptying - improving slum sanitation in Kibera, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 26 : 2 photogr., 1996.
L. Macharia, Sanitation options for Kibera low-income area in Nairobi, vol. no. 53. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, Institute of Water and Environmental Engineeri, 1992, p. 97 p.: 25 fig., 5 tab.
J. Kunguru and Mwiraria, M., NGO support to informal settlements : a case study of Kiberia, Nairobi, vol. No. 1-11. UNDP-World Bank, Regional Water and Sanitation Group Eastern and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, p. iv, 35 p. : boxes, 1991.
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