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U. Frohlich, Management guide, vol. no. 1. St. Gallen, Switzerland: SKAT (Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management), 2001, p. 235 p. : fig., tab.
U. Frohlich, Private sector - just a new hope? : report on the 15th AGUASAN workshop June 28 - July 2, 1999. SKAT (Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management), St. Gallen, Switzerland, p. ca. 100 p. : fig., photogr., 1999.
U. Frohlich, Wacker, C., and Regallet, G., Indigenous water management systems: from local practices to policy reform. WSSCC Working Group on Community Management and Partnerships with Civil Society, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 37 p. [loose leaf], 1997.
U. Frohlich, Cameroon (NW, SW, W) : maintenance and sustainability of community watersupply: workshop Bamenda 19./20. November 1990. Helvetas, Swiss Association for Development and Cooperation, Zurich, Switzerland, p. 37 p.: fig., photogr., 1991.
U. Frohlich and Burgthaler, B., Hydraulique villageoise au Sahel. I. Document preparatoire pour un seminaire-atelier. MISEREOR, Aachen, Germany, p. 36 p. : fig., tab., 1991.
U. Frohlich, 25 Jahre Projektarbeit in Kamerun : Erfahrungen, Erkentnisse und Lehren. Helvetas, Swiss Association for Development and Cooperation, Zurich, Switzerland, p. 74, 17 p.: fig., tab., 1990.
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