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Published on: 24/03/2014

The year 2004 was a challenging one for IRC. We were asked to undertake innovative assignments on an international front. We hosted and organised a number of conferences and continued to strengthen our partnerships and to develop new ones.

Some of the highlights in 2004 were reviewing the Monitoring of Millennium Development Goals for Water and Sanitation, at the request of the German Development Co-operation (GTZ), as well as playing a major role in helping NGOs in Africa apply for grants from the ACP-EU water facility.

IRC hosted the international symposium on School Sanitation and Hygiene Education (SSHE) which was opened by the Dutch Minister for Development Co-operation, Mrs Agnes van Ardenne.

We also organised an e-conference on knowledge management which attracted 149 participants and on-line observers.

IRC strengthened its role with water sector organisations within the Netherlands and was able to give support to many resource centres and networks in the South.

When, right at the end of the year, the tsunami tragedy struck in Asia, IRC was in a position to join other organisations in the Netherlands to help those preparing to fly out to do relief work.

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