The correlation between access to drinking water, health, nutrition and other development indicators is well known. At sector level, this often translates into the requirement to allocate additional funding to new infrastructure (in the rural sector, mainly to water points), that would naturally... Read more...
It's hard to predict what impact investments and innovations in the water sector will have on citizens' access to services. Understanding underlying mechanisms and potential bottlenecks of change can help decide how and where to invest resources, while also giving a more realistic picture of the... Read more...
IRC country director of Uganda, Jane Nabunnya Mulumba reflects back on 2014 and sets her goals for the coming year: building on the legacy of Triple-S and reaching the national targets for water and sanitation coverage Read more...
IRC country director of Ghana Vida Duti reflects back on 2014 and sets her goals for the coming year: consolidating the successes! Read more...
L'énergie positive est palpable dans la salle comble où se tient la séance sur l'innovation pour la pérennité des services d'eau et d'assainissement, organisée dans le cadre de la Semaine mondiale de l'eau à Stockholm. Read more...
Eliza Anyangwe du Guardian s’entretient avec le directeur général d’IRC Patrick Moriarty sur le financement par les bailleurs et la défaillance à grande échelle des projets d’eau à court terme – constatée partout dans le monde. Read more...
Ghana's new service monitoring framework provides important insights on underlying causes of water system failure. At WEDC, the framework and findings regarding handpump failure were discussed. Read more...
This second post - in a series of articles on water resources management by Charles Batchelor and John Butterworth - looks at water services from a water resource management (WRM) perspective. In the first article we discussed IWRM and the 'i' for integration in water resources management. Read more...
In this blog Patrick Moriarty reflects on Stockholm World Water Week 2014. There is good progress in language (and some tools) around the role of government in delivering services, he argues. But it's still an uphill struggle on who pays for what. Read more...
The Guardian's Eliza Anyangwe speaks with IRC's CEO Patrick Moriarty on donor funding and short-term water projects that break down on a massive scale around the world. Read more...
Water provision is one of the most complex services to be provided and maintained in a refugee camp. Given the fact that water is essential for people's health, it is very important for donors and implementing partners to guarantee a proper level of water service to everyone everyday. Read more...
Clean water, sanitation and hygiene are of critical importance for the people living in camps, but they don't come cheap and many refugees are not going anywhere soon. Read more...
In an on-going study in partnership with UNHCR, IRC is setting-up a methodology to measure the cost of providing water services to refugee population. Read more...
IRC believes in a world where water, sanitation and hygiene services are fundamental utilities that everyone is able to take for granted, forever. But we are concerned about the pervasive issue of violence against women being subsumed under the urgent need to promote public attention to the global... Read more...
Il a fallu aux pays développés une centaine d'années et des financements publics considérables pour rendre universel l'accès à l'eau potable. Read more...
Le président de la république du Sénégal, Macky Sall, a présidé la cérémonie officielle d'ouverture du 2e Forum de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement d'EAA. Occasion pour le chef de l'Etat sénégalais d'appeler à la mobilisation pour de tous pour concrétiser les engagements pris à ce niveau. Read more...