UK cuts on water, sanitation and hygiene aid betray international pledges to save lives Read more...
The Working Group on Water and Health will on 14- 15 April review the implementation of the protocol programme of work for the period 2020–2022, specifically considering the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the current and future programmes of work. The meeting will also discuss how to... Read more...
Marc Kaboré: "Trust has been built between Oxfam and Banfora town hall”. Read more...
"We are very grateful to Oxfam and its partners who support us", Aboubakar Hema (Mayor of Banfora). Read more...
The district of Banfora has received direct financial support from Oxfam Burkina to help in the implementation of the communal strategic plan for water, sanitation and hygiene. This partnership is welcomed by both parties who are committed to improving the well-being of the population through... Read more...
Marc Kaboré: « La confiance s’est installée entre Oxfam et la mairie de Banfora ». Read more...
« Toute notre reconnaissance à l’endroit de Oxfam et de ses partenaires qui nous accompagnent », Aboubakar Hema (Maire de Banfora). Read more...
La commune de Banfora vient de bénéficier de l’appui financier direct de Oxfam Burkina, dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de son Plan Stratégique Communal Eau Hygiène et Assainissement (PSC-AEPA). Un partenariat salué par les deux parties qui parient sur le mieux-être des populations, par l’accès... Read more...
Governments that work for water, water providers on the frontline and people who raise their voices and stand up. Read more...
USAID Transform WASH teams up with Government of Ethiopia partners to visit Wore Illu Woreda. Read more...
Different stakeholder groups from four districts gave inputs to the District WASH master plan to attain SDG 6 by 2030. Read more...
The third annual review meeting on the strategic WASH plan of Banfora took place in February 2021. Read more...
Le troisième revue annuelle de son plan stratégique communal des services publics d'eau potable et d'assainissement à Banfora. Read more...
Water resources management, equitable access and hygiene receive due attention. Read more...
Des jeunes femmes et hommes de Banfora participent à un programme d'incubation pour devenir des entrepreneurs AEPA. Read more...
Young women and men in Banfora are participating in an incubation programme to become successful WASH entrepreneurs. Read more...
At a workshop in December 2020, participants contributed to Banfora district's next five-year action plan. Read more...
Lors d'un atelier en décembre 2020, les participants ont contribué au prochain plan d'action quinquennal de Banfora. Read more...
Two Ethiopian districts, Shashamane and Negelle Arsi, are developing water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) master plans Read more...
A learning exchange was held on district-wide initiatives for Sustainable Development Goal 6 in Ghana. Read more...