Walk through the municipality of Kornaka, Niger, and you’ll see open dumpsites where children play, often barefoot, and women dispose of their family’s dirty water. They’re not just an eyesore. They’re dangerous. Infectious diseases like Malaria spread from the sites to contaminate homes and... Read more...
Infographic showing the interlinkages in the water, sanitation and solid waste service chains Read more...
Systems thinking for safe services; how water, sanitation and solid waste service chains are interlinked Read more...
A number of tools for water, sanitation (faecal waste) and solid wastes can be used to develop a decision support/advocacy tool which can help... Read more...
This blog was co-written by IRC intern Ann Muthoni Mugendi and Digbijoy Dey Greywater, solid waste and faecal waste management have been separately handled over the years leading to negative effects on the public health and environment. The management of waste has been handled separately over the... Read more...
How ready are local government institutions, tasked with the job, to effectively plan and implement solid waste management systems? Read more...
The power of partnerships. Report of an end-of-programme workshop and a WASH Debate. Read more...
A SuSanA India Chapter webinar in collaboration with IRC, Water For People, WaterAid and the India Sanitation Coalition (ISC). Read more...