The results of a sustainability check, monitoring service delivery in towns, satellite villages and institutions that are targeted in the ONEWASH... Read more...
Results of an initiative to monitor sustainability factors in towns in Ethiopia. Read more...
Innovation of sanitation master planning within the ONEWASH Plus programme in Ethiopia. Read more...
This report presents an overall analysis of the current Ethiopian private sector landscape in water and sanitation, with case study chapters... Read more...
Ce document présente les principaux points et enjeux clés et des points communs qui sont ressortis des présentations et des discussions du séminaire... Read more...
A state of the art of strengthening monitoring water supply and sanitation in developing countries. Google scholar Read more...
The rural water and sanitation sub sector of Ghana is on a positive trajectory towards establishing an inventory of rural and small-towns water systems across the country and a continuous service monitoring process that will enable the sector to measure and report on access, functionality and... Read more...
Au cœur de la discussion, le fait que les bonnes intentions ne suffisent pas : les pannes précoces des infrastructures d'eau dans les zones rurales et les villages des pays à bas revenu est un problème bien connu de tous les membres de l'assistance. Mais en pratique, que peut-on faire pour éviter... Read more...
The issue that was at the heart of the discussion is that good intentions are not enough and premature failure of water infrastructure in rural and small towns in low income countries is a well-known problem to all in the room. But what can be done in practice to avoid waste of investment in... Read more...
The issue that was at the heart of the discussion is that good intentions are not enough and premature failure of water infrastructure in rural and small towns in low income countries is a well-known problem to all in the room. But what can be done in practice to avoid waste of investment in... Read more...
This document presents a set of monitoring indicators and data collection sheets. Read more...
This paper concludes that there is chronic underfunding of rural water services, to meet the costs required to provide and sustain a basic level of... Read more...