Stef Smits' in-depth review of the JMP 2021 data on the progress made in 15 countries and discussing the implications towards 2030. Read more...
The two utility models present in Kabarole outperformed the community management model, with the existing national utility demonstrating greater... Read more...
Based on evidence-based monitoring of water and sanitation service levels, budgets, outcome harvesting, district capacity assessment and water... Read more...
Comparing water utilities in Kenya, Ethiopia, Cambodia, and the United States reveals a gap between the full costs of service delivery and budgets of... Read more...
This is the first of my 'weekly WASH graphs', exploring the relation between the wealth of a country over time, and its level of access to at least basic water services. Read more...
While a high proportion of people In Ethiopian have access to improved water and sanitation services, only a small minority receive services that... Read more...
The transition from water trucking towards sustainable, utility-led water service models for long-term refugee populations. Read more...
Supporting sector strengthening and learning by conducting a comprehensive overview on water infrastructure (piped water and handpumps), services and... Read more...
Utilising document review, interviews, and budget analysis, the assessment finds encouraging progress in implementing the master plan, although... Read more...
The process, benefits, challenges, and learnings of water safety planning (WSP) in an Ethiopian district, using a mixed method approach and a six-... Read more...
Kabarole and Bunyangabu districts now have WASH data portals with updated information on service levels Read more...
This learning note summarises the findings of USAID Transform WASH's activities to pilot smart and targeted sanitation subsidies in line with... Read more...
Catarina Fonseca and Fred Muhumuza discuss why WASH coverage levels in Uganda is stagnating. Read more...
This data set contains expenditure and service level data for water supply systems and sanitation facilities in Ghana. Read more...
The data set includes expenditure and service level data and a sample of the survey tools used to collect this data. Read more...
Atelier de plaidoyer pour l'amélioration des services WASH dans les écoles et les centres de santé de la commune de Kornaka Read more...
The data set includes expenditure and service level data and a sample of the survey tools used to collect this data. Read more...
How did the RANO WASH, supporting public-private partnerships (PPPs) for rural water services, contribute to WASH systems strengthening. What did it... Read more...
Une présentation autour des mécanismes de collecte de données, de leur utilisation et de leur impact sur l'amélioration des services d'... Read more...