This video showcases lives transformed by access to water in Asutifi North District, Ghana. Read more...
In de nasleep van orkaan Eta steunen IRC en Water For People de oproep van de Hondurese overheid aan de internationale gemeenschap en roepen ze op tot onmiddellijke actie voor de wederopbouw van talloze water en sanitaire voorzieningen die door de oorkaan verwoest zijn. Read more...
In the wake of Hurricane Eta, IRC and Water For People support government appeal and call for immediate action to restore a decade's worth of water and sanitation development in Honduras Read more...
The NDPC selected three districts in Ghana - Bongo, Wassa East and Asutifi North - to highlight successes and challenges in improving access to water... Read more...
Workshop on a new initiative in the commune of Banfora: JI SANIYANI. Read more...
Atelier d'une nouvelle initiative dans la commune de Banfora : JI SANIYANI. Read more...
This book showcases an approach to expand the implementation coverage of the 5 pillars of Community-Based Total Sanitation. Read more...
On World Toilet Day, I am sharing a positive story to inspire everyone. Read more...
The Rural Health Advocacy Project (RHAP) is working with community and health care facility (HCF) leaders to address the systemic issues around WASH in South Africa. Read more...
Early successes point towards the effectiveness of linking collaborative, flexible and adaptive capacity building with performance-based funding in... Read more...
The challenge for ANAM in Ghana's Asutifi North
The motto of the Sustainable Development Goals is "leaving no one behind". For water and sanitation this implies that all people – including those families who live in the last house on top of the mountain - must have access to water and sanitation services. Water For People and IRC in Honduras... Read more...
El lema de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible es "no dejar a nadie atrás". Para el objetivo de agua y saneamiento implica que todas las personas – hasta las que viven en la casa más alejada, en la cima de una montaña – deben de tener acceso a dichos servicios. El proyecto "modelos de... Read more...
Stakeholders from local government, NGOs and private sector meet to finalise district master plan. Read more...
Important visit for the Community Water & Sanitation Agency (CWSA) and IRC in Ghana: IRC is convening a meeting on the 8th July with Hilton Grantees in Ghana for a team of Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Executives who will be in Ghana this week for the Philanthropic Conference. Read more...
This document presents the highlights, key issues and points in common that arose from the presentations and discussions held during the... Read more...
Ce document présente les principaux points et enjeux clés et des points communs qui sont ressortis des présentations et des discussions du séminaire... Read more...
L'une des principales conditions pour la fourniture de services d'eau potable est que le fournisseur de service doit être en mesure de garantir que l'eau ne présente pas de risque pour la consommation. Mais qu'est-ce qu'on doit faire si on habite dans une région où ces services ne sont pas à portée... Read more...