Looking back on Post-COP Activists Connect
The implications of the SDG 6.1 ambitions for national authorities and service providers, with a special focus on the progress so far in Ghana,... Read more...
Watershed empowering citizens was a unique programme focused on advocacy and influencing. After 5 years, what have we learned? Read more...
IRC and WASH specialists are working hard to ensure that the rural population is not abandoned in this time of crisis. Read more...
Access to water and sanitation is a basic human right. No one, whatever their circumstances, should be forced to live in conditions where these services are not made available. And yet this is the case for many inmates in overcrowded prisons around the world. Read more...
L'accès à l'eau est un droit pour tous. Et si nous prenions un moment pour faire le point sur ce qui fonctionne et ce qui reste à améliorer ? À Kornaka, IRC Niger a réuni les autorités locales et les acteurs du secteur pour une revue sectorielle, avec un objectif clair : transformer l'accès à l'eau... Read more...
Presentations from the CONNECT Social Justice thematic track of the All Systems Connect International Symposium 2023. Read more...
WASH interventions can help reduce carbon emissions, especially by limiting methane gas emissions from sanitation. Systematic assessment of... Read more...
What are the social and economic benefits of water-related investments? And what kind of financial returns on investments can be expected? Read more...
The 8th Africa Water Week (AWW-8) and the 6th AfricaSan will be held virtually from November 22-26, 2021. Read more...
IRC together with partners is supporting this initiative by the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative (RWSSI) and the Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN) E-Discussions on Rural WASH in Africa. Read more...
Water Climate Discussion Conference. Add your voice to the Water Climate Call to Action and meet with water professionals with shared climate interests across three days of discussions in October. Read more...
Uganda's new third National Development Plan (NDPIII) 2020/21 – 2024/25 launched last year introduced a new institutional framework with a shift from... Read more...
Strong civil society leaders share how they are fighting to bring safe water and sanitation to their communities. Read more...
Our friends at Human Right 2 Water are pleased to invite you to their third webinar of Human Right 2 Water's Webinar Series, bringing together human rights, water, and financing experts. Join them on the 5th August 2020, 13:00h-14:30h CET - to discuss the topic on, "People First PPPs and Human... Read more...
Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso have put in place a number of measures around drinking water and sanitation in the fight against the coronavirus. But have the needs of the most vulnerable people really been taken into account? Are they able to cope during this pandemic? Read more...
Le Mali, le Niger et le Burkina Faso ont mis en œuvre une batterie de mesures sociales dans le secteur eau potable et assainissement dans le cadre de la lutte contre le coronavirus. Mais les besoins des populations, notamment celles dites vulnérables ont-elles été réellement prises en compte pour... Read more...
Everything for the privileged and nothing for the disadvantaged! Read more...
Ceci est une brève présentation du cadre stratégique d'IRC Burkina 2017-2021, des progrès réalisés à la fin de l'année 2018 et des perspectives pour l'année 2019 Read more...
Annual meeting of Rotary International's Water & Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (WASRAG). Read more...