Interview with Alana Potter, co-drafter of the Africa Sanitation Policy Guidelines. Read more...
Watershed empowering citizens was a unique programme focused on advocacy and influencing. After 5 years, what have we learned? Read more...
World Toilet Day should really be World Sanitation Systems Day! Read more...
Access to water and sanitation is a basic human right. No one, whatever their circumstances, should be forced to live in conditions where these services are not made available. And yet this is the case for many inmates in overcrowded prisons around the world. Read more...
L'accès à l'eau est un droit pour tous. Et si nous prenions un moment pour faire le point sur ce qui fonctionne et ce qui reste à améliorer ? À Kornaka, IRC Niger a réuni les autorités locales et les acteurs du secteur pour une revue sectorielle, avec un objectif clair : transformer l'accès à l'eau... Read more...
540 people from 120 vulnerable homes in hard-to-reach communities benefit from a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-funded sanitation project Read more...
This is an updated version of an earlier protocol which has been prepared to enable Ethiopia to achieve its goal of attaining Sustainable Development... Read more...
A collaborative approach to creating a thriving sanitation business in Ethiopia. Read more...
Presentations from the CONNECT Social Justice thematic track of the All Systems Connect International Symposium 2023. Read more...
WASH interventions can help reduce carbon emissions, especially by limiting methane gas emissions from sanitation. Systematic assessment of... Read more...
Celebration of the World Toilet Day
The 8th Africa Water Week (AWW-8) and the 6th AfricaSan will be held virtually from November 22-26, 2021. Read more...
A workshop delivers prototypes of more affordable sanitation products that meet the needs of lower income households in Lowland Ethiopia. Read more...
Some key changes in the enabling environment could lead to significant growth in the sanitation market. Read more...
Home improvement campaigns for sanitation and hygiene assessed in 49 villages in Mugusu and Kasenda sub-counties in Uganda. Read more...
In February and March 2021, home improvement campaigns were conducted in 49 villages of Mugusu and Kasenda sub-counties, and a monitoring exercise... Read more...
The African Sanitation Policy Guidelines will be of great value to Ethiopia as the country currently does not have an official policy. Read more...
Strong civil society leaders share how they are fighting to bring safe water and sanitation to their communities. Read more...
The 30th SuSanA meeting - the first virtual of its kind - will take place from August 17th to August 28th 2020. It is organised by the SuSana Secretariat with support and contributions from SuSanA Partners, Members, Working Groups and Regional Chapters. The meeting will focus on the following... Read more...
Continuing our pursuit to secure the human right to water and sanitation with an inspirational event at the Peace Palace. Read more...