In February and March 2021, home improvement campaigns were conducted in 49 villages of Mugusu and Kasenda sub-counties, and a monitoring exercise... Read more...
Kèlè Tchinè is a project that aims to accelerate universal and sustainable access to sanitation in ten rural communes in the central west region of Burkina Faso Read more...
Kèlè Tchinè est un projet visant à accélérer l'accès universel et durable à l'assainissement dans dix communes rurales de la région du Centre-Ouest du Burkina Faso Read more...
Our friends at Human Right 2 Water are pleased to invite you to their third webinar of Human Right 2 Water's Webinar Series, bringing together human rights, water, and financing experts. Join them on the 5th August 2020, 13:00h-14:30h CET - to discuss the topic on, "People First PPPs and Human... Read more...
A campaign by the Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation - celebrating the 10th anniversary of these human rights. Read more...
What are practical implications to achieve the human right to water by 2030? Solutions to this question will be explored from different practical and legal angles every Tuesday until 16 June 2020 in English, French and/or Spanish. Read more...
My story of empowerment starts from a toilet, or to be precise the lack of it. Read more...
How can you help NGOs and citizens in Mali better stand up for their rights when it comes to water and sanitation? Read more...
Join us for the first joint webinar convened by RWSN with IWA and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation on the topic of Regulation through a human rights lens. IWA will host the webinar. Read more...
Unicef et IRC forment 35 députés et assistants parlementaires en genre et AFDH Read more...
Watershed report with recommendations on social inclusion for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs' WASH strategy 2016-2030. Read more...
A call for commitment, transformative thinking, engagement, integration and disaggregated data production. Read more...
Le Ministère de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement (MEA) a initié des formations en approche fondée sur les droits humains (AFDH) et le genre à l’endroit de 201 élus locaux de douze régions du Burkina Faso. Read more...
Advancing the Human Right to Water and Sanitation (HRTWS) through inclusive business approaches May 13th to 17th 2019, Spiez, Switzerland Read more...
Continuing our pursuit to secure the human right to water and sanitation with an inspirational event at the Peace Palace. Read more...
IRC supported by Municipality of The Hague and high profile international organisations join during international event at Peace Palace on the human right to water and sanitation. Read more...
Cérémonie de lancement d'un consortium pour de défense et protection du droit humain à l'eau et à l'assainissement. Read more...
Turning World Toilet Day into World Sanitation Systems Day Read more...
Au Burkina Faso, seulement 54% de la population a accès à l’eau potable. Read more...