A critical reflection on the use of planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning (PMEL) tools. Read more...
Presenting data differently can boost pro-poor policies and emphasise reaching everyone. Read more...
"IRC is having real impact in the WASH sector internationally and especially in its six focus countries". Read more...
An introduction to definitions and frameworks, monitoring and evaluation, and a research and learning agenda for WASH systems strengthening. Read more...
This blog was co-written by IRC intern Ann Muthoni Mugendi and Digbijoy Dey Greywater, solid waste and faecal waste management have been separately handled over the years leading to negative effects on the public health and environment. The management of waste has been handled separately over the... Read more...
Drawing from 10 years of experience, Insights into the various perspectives of partners, the different types of partnerships and the partnering... Read more...
A framework for defining and measuring the wider support systems needed to maintain infrastructure was developed and applied in six countries with... Read more...
L'évaluation de la situation en matière d'eau, d'assainissement et d'hygiène à Kornaka aidera les parties prenantes à progresser vers la réalisation de l'ODD 6. Read more...
Strengthening monitoring and evaluation systems in the WASH sector in Western and Central Africa. Read more...
Inspiring workshop on the Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) 2016/7 surveys and network building between Southern African countries. Read more...
The Kenya Arid Lands Disaster Risk Reduction project was aimed at helping the Kenyan government and local communities in dealing with flash floods... Read more...
Las organizaciones de ayuda al desarrollo se ven cada vez más presionadas en buscar “evidencias” por los financieros y organizaciones donantes cuyo objetivo principal es darle el valor al dinero que aportan. Read more...