The purpose of this technical paper is to present a value for money analysis of the ONEWASH Plus Programme in eight towns in Ethiopia. The analysis... Read more...
Comparing water utilities in Kenya, Ethiopia, Cambodia, and the United States reveals a gap between the full costs of service delivery and budgets of... Read more...
This study confirms the high relevance of payment modalities that reduce the barrier of the upfront payment to get access to a water supply service... Read more...
Required, budgeted, and actual WASH expenditure from taxes, transfers, and tariffs for new infrastructure, major maintenance, and indirect support. Read more...
Insight into all the necessary costs of achieving the 2030 vision and ensuring sustainable, and at least basic water and sanitation services for all... Read more...
1 June| 8 June| 15 June| 22 June
Guidelines for European national and subnational policy-makers responsible for sustainable financing of small-scale water and sanitation services,... Read more...
This costing and financing study report provides insight into all the necessary life-cycle costs of achieving the 2030 vision and ensuring... Read more...
This document illustrates a practical example on the use of the Technology Introduction Process (TIP) tool for the cost model "CapEx subsidised" for... Read more...
This document illustrates a practical example on the use of the Technology Introduction Process (TIP) tool for the cost model "CapEx subsidised" for... Read more...
Using the life-cycle cost approach (LCCA) this study showed the budget gaps for the sustainability of water services. Read more...
The importance of capital efficiency.
Based on 20 detailed successful case studies from across India, this book outlines future rural water supply approaches for all lower-income... Read more...
At the first Water Integrity Forum for East Africa, IRC hosted a session on bridging the financing gap in WASH. Read more...
Please note: this is a beta-version of the Retrospective Currency Converter; this tool is currently being tested in several countries. We invite you to use the tool and send us your feedback. Contact us in case you have any questions or suggestions via . This tool has been... Read more...
Assessing Value for Money of WASH services in small towns. Read the main findings on the analysis of costs for providing water and sanitation services in small town in Ethiopia. Read more...
Please note : this is a beta-version of the Costing and Budgeting Tools; these tools are currently being tested in several countries. We invite you to use the tools and send us your feedback. Contact us in case you have any questions or suggestions via training The tools have been... Read more...
Tracking budgets and actual expenditure in WASH are essential to ensure sustainable water and sanitation services. Planning and budgets have to capture the activities and costs supporting ongoing services beyond the creation of infrastructures. Read more...
This study presents the first adaptation of the life-cycle costs approach to school WASH interventions. It is based on a survey of the sanitation and... Read more...
Based on a review of the costs of 179 water and sanitation projects carried out by FHIS (Honduran Social Investment Fund) over the last five years, we established the unit cost ranges for different intervention models. We also identified the main factors driving the costs of water and sanitation... Read more...