Over minder dan een jaar worden in New York de opvolgers van de Millenniumdoelen vastgesteld door de Verenigde Naties: de Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). IRC en Simavi zetten dit op de kaart tijdens een bijeenkomst op 4 december 2014 in het Mauritshuis. Read more...
Il faudrait que les gouvernements, la société civile et le secteur privé agissent de concert pour rendre les services d'eau et d'assainissement accessibles à tous. Read more...
Several Dutch water sector organisations have written to Minister Ploumen (Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) about the Dutch targets for water supply. Read more...
Stef Smits legt uit wat er in de brief over de internationale drinkwaterdoelstelling staat die de water sector vandaag aan Minister Ploumen aanbiedt. Read more...
Governments, civil society and the private sector need to work together to make water and sanitation services available to everyone. IRC's event provided an opportunity to discuss how taxes can complement trade and tariffs and to learn from an innovative health insurance model in Africa. Read more...
Dans ce blog, Catarina Fonseca, responsable du programme international et d’innovations d’IRC, traite du financement des objectifs de développement pour l’après-2015. Selon elle, « une part importante des fonds pour le développement devraient provenir d’autres sources ». À savoir des finances... Read more...
In this blog, IRC's head of innovation and international programme Catarina Fonseca discusses the financing of the post-2015 development goals. "A substantial part of funding for development should be sought elsewhere," she argues. Through public finance. Or tax, as we call it. Read more...
Public finance- money derived from taxation- is critical for achieving water, sanitation and hygiene for everyone forever. But how do we get governments to prioritise it? What should it be used for? And how can we get it flowing to local levels? WSUP, IRC and Trémolet Consulting will be exploring... Read more...
The good and the bad of the Dutch government aid and trade approach to development in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector. Read more...
Is aid and trade the answer to "Dead Aid"? Is it just tied aid in disguise? Does it make sense in the water sanitation and hygiene sector? IRC invited a group of stakeholders from the Dutch WASH sector to The Hague on 17 September 2014 to discuss all this and more. Join the discussion! Read more...
In 2013, Dutch development policy shifted from aid to trade as the primary engine of sustainable, inclusive growth. In this interview, Mr. Christophe Leger of Vergnet Hydro reflects on the value of partnerships between the private sector and non-governmental organisations for building sustainable... Read more...
The Dutch government has introduced a trade-based approach to development. Is this good or bad for the WASH sector? Read more...
Understanding the difference between charity, venture philanthropy and impact investing is key to getting businesses and programmes funded Read more...
En 2013, la politique des Pays-Bas en matière d’aide au développement s’est réorientée vers le monde des affaires considéré comme le principal moteur d’une croissance durable au détriment de l’aide publique au développement. Read more...
If you want to take on the real water bucket challenge, donate to government! Read more...
Après un processus de travail intensif, nous avons pu lancer, fin 2013, notre nouvelle identité institutionnelle qui traduit mieux notre rôle de think-and-do-tank, utilisant les connaissances comme catalyseur de changements au profit des populations. Read more...