Menstrual cups (MCs) are acceptable among schoolgirls in rural Uganda and can be an acceptable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly menstrual... Read more...
IRC leads the cross-country learning and knowledge component.
This report marks the end of IRC's 2012-2016 business plan with a reflection on the successful end of programme evaluation, Read more...
Developing a collaborative master plan for Kabarole District to attract more national government funding. Read more...
Asset management is critical for all WASH systems as 30% of the infrastructure is often not working. Read more...
Presentation on budget tracking in Uganda given during the Regional Water Integrity Forum. Read more...
Politics are a fact of life. It is easier to work with the political leaders than to avoid them. Read more...
In Uganda, World Water Day 2017 was marked with a colourful event at Bugema University. Read more...
At the first Water Integrity Forum for East Africa, IRC hosted a session on bridging the financing gap in WASH. Read more...
Messages from Menstrual Hygiene Management Day in Uganda.
This tool provides guidance on a systematic approach to experimenting with innovative solutions to water problems. Read more...
Working together towards our shared vision of achieving SDG 6 – universal access to sustained WASH services across districts and countries through systems change. Read more...
Ensure national ownership is at the centre and maximise existing local government structures. Read more...
Rehabilitation of one primary school borehole has been successful but many others still depend on unreliable water. Read more...
In Uganda, IRC is supporting local and national government to ensure that people get better water, sanitation and hygiene services. We believe that government needs to be empowered to create systems that make these services sustainable. We are working with WaterAid and Water For People in an alliance called WASH Agenda for Change to make this happen.