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TitleWorking group on institutional management options : report of the first seminar held from May 31 to June 2, 1994 in Louveciennes, France
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsWHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Geneva, CHWSSCCWork
Pagination116 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1994-01-01
PublisherWater Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, WSSCC
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
Keywordsalgeria, brazil curitiba, case studies, central asian republics, chile, gabon, ghana, india andhra pradesh hyderabad, institutional development, jordan, kenya, kenya taita taveta district, malaysia, mali, morocco, nepal lumbini zone, poland, policies, rural areas, sanitation, tariffs, united kingdom, urban areas, uzbekistan, water authorities, water supply, yemen, yemen rada, zaire

Focus of this working group, which included 14 participants from developing countries, 15 from external support agencies and 9 from water companies, is on institutional and management options for expanding water supply and sanitation services. Discussions revolved around presentations on the French and English models of water management. Aim of the working group is to make water supply and sanitation services more efficient by drawing lessons from different case studies and considering possibilities to intensify communication among sector professionals. The 18 case studies from developing countries deal with different policies and regulatory conditions as well as a variety of alternative institutional and managerial options. Highlights of the presentations and case studies include privatisation, administrative and managerial reform, water management, planning, capacity building and public participation. The report includes figures representing privatized companies and consumption, population, and income distribution. It also includes a possible framework for further discussion referring to institutional development, managerial and human resources development, as well as an enabling environment.

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