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TitleWomen, water, and sanitation : household water use in two Egyptian villages
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsO. Sebaie, E, Hussein, A, Younis, A, S. Katsha, E
Secondary TitleSocial Research Center research series
Volumeno. 1
Paginationxiv, 96 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1989-01-01
PublisherAmerican University in Cairo, Social Research Centre
Place PublishedCairo, Egypt
Keywordsbehaviour, child health, domestic use, egypt, egypt menoufia babil, egypt menoufia kafr shanawan, health, household hygiene, latrines, social change, tp29, villages, water sources, women, women's work
NotesBibliography: p. 93-96
Custom 1202.1



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