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TitleWomen, water, and sanitation : household behavioral patterns in two Egyptian villages
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsWhite, AU, S. Katsha, E
Paginationp. 103-111
Date Published1989-09-01
Keywordsbehaviour, disease control, domestic use, egypt, egypt menoufia babil, egypt menoufia kafr shanawan, household hygiene, social change, tp29, women

Understanding the behaviour patterns of women in rural households regarding water and sanitation may be the key to solving the problem of why improvements in facilities may not be accompanied by a reduction in disease prevalence. 312 households were surveyed, 46 of them examined in depth. Their patterns of water storage, water use and waste disposal are rooted in the women's beliefs. The local environment of water availability affects her choices. Other factors include local government institutions, available technology, information and educational facilities, time and energy expended on various practices, and social values held by the women and the community. The women suggest practical solutions for their problems, but feel powerless to influence local governments or their husbands, to institute new practices

NotesIncludes references
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