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Reprint of an issue of the journal "Focus on Gender" which considers some of the dilemmas of emergency relief operations, and looks at the experience of women in situations of crisis, their particular vulnerabilities, and their capacities and strengths.

TitleWomen and emergencies
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsWalker, B
Secondary TitleOxfam focus on gender
Pagination64 p.: 3 fig., photogr.
Date Published1994-01-01
Place PublishedOxford, UK
ISBN Number0855982667
Keywordsalgeria, bangladesh, camps, disasters, emergency operations, food, india maharashtra, kenya, sanitation, uganda, water supply, women, zaire, zambia

Reprint of an issue of the journal "Focus on Gender" which considers some of the dilemmas of emergency relief operations, and looks at the experience of women in situations of crisis, their particular vulnerabilities, and their capacities and strengths. Besides general articles on gender policies and strategies, there are also several case studies of which some also touch on water supply and sanitation issues. These include: the 1993 earthquake in Maharashtra, India; Sudanese refugees in Koboko, Uganda; and Burmese refugees in Bangladesh.

NotesRepr. of: Focus on gender, vol. 2, no. 1, Febr. 1994. - Includes references and bibliography (p. 60-61)
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