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TitleWHO harmonization and alignment : key resources
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsWHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization
Pagination11 p.
Date Published2005-05-01
PublisherWorld Health Organization (WHO)
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
Keywordsdevelopment aid, funding agencies, government organizations, partnerships, policies, triple s harmonisation

A toolkit of key resources and documents on harmonization and alignment. It serves as a quick reference guide to WHO and its partners at country level using materials from a number of sources. The documents discussed have been grouped under three main headings: Harmonization and alignment: an overview; Harmonization and alignment: the UN role; and Harmonization and alignment: the response from WHO. The Annexes contain a list of Quick Wins to achieve the MDGs and key websites on issues related to harmonization and alignment.

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