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TitleWebinar report on health and safety challenges for sanitation workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Publication TypeWebinar
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsWaterAid India, Centre, UManagement
Pagination3 pgs
Date Published09/2020
PublisherWaterAid India and Urban Management Centre
Place PublishedNew Delhi, India
Publication LanguageEnglish

WaterAid India (WAI) and Urban Management Centre (UMC) jointly conducted a rapid assessment to understand the health, safety and livelihood challenges faced by sanitation workers in India during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study findings have helped highlight specific challenges, bringing out critical insights for immediate measures in the pandemic context, as well as long term systemic measures for ensuring their health, improved working conditions and dignified livelihoods. On 30 June 2020, both organisations held a webinar on the topic which was attended by 170 participants.

Citation Key87171




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