Title | Water supply, sanitation and hygiene education : report of a health impact study in Mirzapur, Bangladesh |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1990 |
Authors | Cairncross, S, Aziz, KMA, Huttly, SRA, Minnatullah, KM, Hassan, Z, Patwary, MK, Rahaman, MM, Hoque, BA |
Secondary Title | Water and Sanitation Report Series |
Volume | 1 |
Pagination | xiii, 91 p.: fig., tab. |
Date Published | 1990-01-01 |
Publisher | UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program |
Place Published | Washington, DC, USA |
Keywords | ascariasis, bangladesh mirzapur, cab91/3, costs, diarrhoeal diseases, evaluation methods, hand pumps, health education, health impact, hyedcas, latrines, nutrition, rural areas, tara pumps, tp29, use of facilities |
Abstract | This is the report of a study on the health impact of an integrated project in Mirzapur, a rural area some 60 km north of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The project involved the installation of Tara handpumps and double-pit pour-flush latrines, accompanied by a hygiene education programme. Although the total investment cost of the interventions was only US$ 15.16 per inhabitant, this is still significant in comparison with the per capita GNP of Bangladesh, approximately US$ 160 in 1987. Surveys showed major differences in the use of facilities - handpump water for domestic use, and use of latrines - between the intervention area and a control area. Only among children below 3 years of age there was no improvement in defecation habits. The majority of the households in the intervention area now used ash instead of mud for cleansing after defecation. The project had a significant impact on the incidence and prevalence of childhood diarrhoeal disease. The Mirzapur project reduced the prevalence of diarrhoea in small children by almost half. Within the intervention area lower diarrhoea rates were found to be attributed to proximity to handpumps, use of handpump water for all domestic purposes, and the hygienic disposal of children's faeces. No impact was detected on the nutritional status of small children. There was evidence, however, that the prevalence of Ascaris infection was reduced by more than a third. |
Notes | Bibliography: p. 87-91 |
Custom 1 | 203.1, 822 |