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TitleWater services and the private sector in developing countries : comparative perceptions and discussion dynamics
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsBlanc, A, Botton, S
Pagination454 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.
Date Published2012-03-01
PublisherAgence Française de Développement, AFD
Place PublishedParis, France
ISSN NumberISSN : 2110-9397
Keywordsdeveloping countries, private sector, public-private partnerships (PPPs), service delivery, water rights, water supply

A number of articles: after the General summary there are articles on Major PPP contracts with international operators (part 1), on “Grafting " models from developed countries on to local contexts (part 2) and on A new look at how private players intervene : the return of pragmatism? (part 3).

Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility PPIAF’s review of the water and sanitation sector was motivated by the difficulty of funding investments that show little profit, when compared to telecommunications or electricity for instance, and by the highly sensitive political question of access to this particularly essential good (water rights; conflicts related to water management). Cultural notions, such as water is a “gift from heaven," etc., further complicate this field.

NotesReferences after each paper
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