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TitleWater, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector strategic framework
Publication TypeProgress Report
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsYol, ILC, Oka, ABN, Dhieu, PM, Muludyang, LL, M. Malek, B, Feuerstein, L, Said, M, Abate, E, Benjamin, M, Lomodong, M, Nyarsuk, S, M. Mamur, M, Batali, D, Pangech, J, Wani, A, Pal, J, Lwale, I, Malek, M, Ariki, J, K. Kwai, M, Lomeling, D, Maskall, K, Ahmad, T, Tawil, R, Okoni, P, Bury, PJ, Moulders, C, Festus, AJ, Logo, L, Gutknecht, AG, Bekalu, T, Wondwossen, T, Lerman, C, Hagen, N, Grosskinsky, B, Pleger, J, Walter, J, Badha, A, van Meyden, G
Paginationviii, 57 p.; 2 fig.
Date Published2011-08-01
PublisherMinistry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of South Sudan-SS
Place PublishedJuba, Sudan
Keywordsgovernance, south sudan - SS, strategy, water, sanitation and hygiene [WASH]

This WASH Sector Strategic Framework identifies priority areas for future interventions and spells out a number of approaches that these will have to use. The next steps to follow are the elaboration of sub-sector action plans to identify and sequence the needed activities, and development of investment plans that will project funding requirements. The document, after a concise introduction to the country and the current state of affairs in terms of water resources and the provision of WASH services, provides a series of specific sub-sector chapters each spelling out the strategic approach proposed. [authors abstract]


With bibliography on p. 56 - 57

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