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TitleWater rights and water allocation issues and challenges for Asia
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsBird, J, W. Arriens, L, Von Custodio, D
Secondary TitleWater for all series / ADB
Volumeno. 17
Paginationix, 66 p. : 15 boxes, 3 fig., 7 tab.
Date Published2009-01-01
PublisherAsian Development Bank
Place PublishedManila, Philippines
Keywordscommunity based organisations (CBO), government organizations, institutional aspects, legislation, non-governmental organizations, sdiasi, sdiman, water authorities, water resources management, water rights

This report aims to provide practical clarity on the concepts and terminology surrounding water rights and water allocation; to summarize key findings from the cross-country comparisons made during the Network of Asian River Basin Organizations (NARBO) workshops on water rights held between 2005 and 2007; to stimulate in-depth discussion on water rights and identify ways to overcome the challenges of their implementation; and to provide inputs for future NARBO and ADB activities to assist governments in the region in improving water rights and water allocation in the context of integrated water resources management. The report includes chapters on the role of river basin organizations in water rights and allocation; the principles and priorities of water rights; managing water allocation and authorized use; building effective institutions; and taking action. It is meant to be a resource for staff working in water agencies and river basin organizations that have already joined NARBO as members, as well as for other interested parties, both in government and civil society, who are considering adopting a water rights system, especially those in ADB member countries.

NotesBibliography: p. 39-41
Custom 1202.4, 822


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