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The Regional Symposium on Water Quality's specific objectives were to use the knowledge and experience of the participants to (1) review information about the chemical disinfection by-products (DBP) risks in drinking water and compare these potential risk

TitleWater quality in Latin America : balancing the microbial and chemical risks in drinking water disinfection
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsCraun, GF
Paginationxiv, 211 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1996-01-01
PublisherILSI Press
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
ISBN Number0944398480
Keywordscab96/3-4, chemical quality, disinfectants, disinfection, drinking water, health hazards, latin america, microbiological quality, toxic substances, water-related diseases

The Regional Symposium on Water Quality's specific objectives were to use the knowledge and experience of the participants to (1) review information about the chemical disinfection by-products (DBP) risks in drinking water and compare these potential risks to the microbial risk to which the population would be exposed, without drinking water disinfection; (2) recommend strategies and technologies, that are appropriate for Latin America, to ensure that drinking water is microbiologically safe and, at the same time, reduce DBP formation where feasible; (3) formulate recommendations for developing a national policy, programmes, and standards to ensure that drinking water quality is both safe and affordable. Topics on the agenda: multiple barriers; the Pan-American Health Organization's perspective on public health programmes; the worldwide threat of water-borne pathogens; the incidence of waterborne diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean; epidemiological research on the adverse effects associated with the by-products of chlorination; water disinfection technologies; and selection of disinfection systems.

NotesIncludes index and references. - Also published in Spanish
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