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Until now the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed, in isolation from one another, separate guidelines for water quality for drinking, irrigation and recreational purposes.

TitleWater quality : guidelines, standards and health : assessment of risk and risk management for water-related infectious disease
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsFewtrell, L, Bartram, J
Secondary TitleWHO water series
Paginationxiv, 424 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published2001-01-01
PublisherWorld Health Organization (WHO)
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
ISBN Number924154533X (WHO) ; ISBN: 1900222280 (IWA)
Keywordseconomic aspects, epidemiology, health hazards, microbiological quality, quality guidelines, sanitation, sdihyg, sdiwat, water quality, water quality standards, water-related diseases

Until now the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed, in isolation from one another, separate guidelines for water quality for drinking, irrigation and recreational purposes. This book presents issues and concepts relating to a harmonized framework for guidelines development, in terms of water-related micobiological risk. It is based on the contributions and outcomes of an international workshop organized by WHO in 1999. The book includes expert contributions on water-related diseases, epidemiology, risk assessment, risk management, standards and regulation, risk communication and economics.

NotesIncludes references and index
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