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The authors argue that privatisation is unlikely to be the best way to convert a malfunctioning municipal water and sewerage utility into an effective and efficient service benefiting all consumers and taxpayers.

TitleWater privatisation revisited : panacea or pancake?
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsKatko, TS, Hukka, JJ
Secondary TitleOccasional paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 33-E
Paginationxii, 159 p. : 26 fig., 13 tab.
Date Published2003-01-01
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordscase studies, government organizations, maintenance, operation, partnerships, policies, private sector, sdiman, sdipol, sewerage, uebw, water authorities, water supply

The authors argue that privatisation is unlikely to be the best way to convert a malfunctioning municipal water and sewerage utility into an effective and efficient service benefiting all consumers and taxpayers. On the other hand, public-private cooperation can work to everyone's benefit. The key criterion is that public services should remain under public control. It should be compulsory reading for any government or municipal officer viewing privatisation as a panacea for remedying poorly performing water and sewerage services. This book presents a challenging alternative view to its target audience of government or municipal officers, other professionals interested in privatisation of water and sanitation services.

NotesBibliography: p. 131-149
Custom 1202.2, 302.2


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