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This book examines some of the successes and failures of actual implementation of modern water policy options in the light of the principles and concepts which have emerged from the Rio earth Summit, the Dublin Statement and other international consensus.

TitleWater policy : allocation and management in practice : proceedings of International Conference on Water Policy, held at Cranfield University, 23-24 September 1996
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsHowsam, P, Carter, RC
Paginationxiv, 384 p. : fig., tab,
Date Published1996-01-01
PublisherE & FN Spon
Place PublishedLondon, UK
ISBN Number0419216502
Keywordscab96/5, economic aspects, institutional aspects, national level, policies, private sector, regional level, water quality, water resources management, water supply, water use

This book examines some of the successes and failures of actual implementation of modern water policy options in the light of the principles and concepts which have emerged from the Rio earth Summit, the Dublin Statement and other international consensus. It attempts to share practical experience at all levels: local, regional, national and international, and emphasises the cooperation between different professions and sectors that must take place to ensure adequate supplies of fresh water in the future. The book may be of use to water and irrigation engineers and managers; academic researchers in water and related sectors; planners, economists, lawyers and policy makers in river authorities and government departments. The publication forms the proceedings of the 1996 International Conference on Water Policy: Allocation and management in practice, held at Cranfield University, United Kingdom.

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