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TitleWater management at the river basin level : challenges in Latin America
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsA. R., D
Secondary TitleSerie recursos naturales e infraestructura / ECLAC
Volumeno. 29
Pagination79 p. : 8 boxes, 1 fig., 2 tab.
Date Published2001-08-01
PublisherUnited Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
Place PublishedSantiago, Chile
ISSN Number9211213215
Keywordsbrazil, colombia, institutional aspects, latin america, mexico, river basins, sdilac, sdiwrm, usa, water authorities, water resources management

This publication summarizes research, previously only available in Spanish, on river basin management and the creation and operation of organizations for water resources management at the river basin level. It introduces river basin management as a way to sustainable development. This is followed by a chapter on definitions and scope of management processes at the river basin level, especially focussing on integrated river basin management. Then operational and institutional aspects of river basin management are discussed in general before concentrating on experiences with river basin organizations in Latin America. Country experiences are examined in more detail in several annexes for Mexico, Brazil, the United States and Colombia. Another annex provides an outline for river basin planning based on management procedures for sustainable development.

Notes15 ref. - Includes list of recent publications on river basin management, p. 47-51
Custom 1210, 827



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