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Water management in the 1980's, based on the Mar del Plata Action Plan, was implemented at a time that the supporting institutions were too weak in most countries to be capable of such a large-scope project.

TitleWater management since the adoption of the Mar del Plata Action Plan : lessons for the 1990's
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsUNDTCD -New York, NY, US
Paginationiv, 33 p.: 5 tab.
Date Published1991-01-01
PublisherUnited Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development
Place PublishedNew York, NY, USA
Keywordsevaluation, institutional development, international level, planning, policies, programmes, safe water supply, water management

Water management in the 1980's, based on the Mar del Plata Action Plan, was implemented at a time that the supporting institutions were too weak in most countries to be capable of such a large-scope project. Drought in Africa, the external debt crisis in Latin America and the decline in world oil prices in West Asia created a climate of economic recession and decline. Institutional and legal infrastructures vary widely between countries and regions. Some countries have fragmented policy-making systems, some have a Water Resources Commission or Board, some have a specific Water Resources Ministry and others have a policy body within a ministry. A general absence of planning skills agravates an already weak system. This makes the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Mar del Plata Action Plan quite difficult. The report suggests that any evaluations, or new global policies, should be placed in the context of local conditions and not centrally imposed upon the institutional systems in an inflexible manner.

Notes20 ref.
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