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This document introduces water harvesting for planners, decision makers and project managers. Water harvesting has particular potential in rural areas of arid and semi-arid countries.

TitleWater harvesting : a guide for planners and project managers
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsVisscher, JT, Lee, MD
Secondary TitleTechnical paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 30
Paginationx, 106 p.: 25 fig., 27 tab.
Date Published1992-01-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9066870206
Keywordsafrica, cab93/1, community participation, construction, design, economic aspects, ground catchment, groundwater dams, irrigation, maintenance, manuals, planning, rainwater harvesting, roof catchment, runoff, sustwat

This document introduces water harvesting for planners, decision makers and project managers. Water harvesting has particular potential in rural areas of arid and semi-arid countries. Particular emphasis is placed on community involvement and financial and economic issues. Four water harvesting technologies are distinguished: rooftop harvesting systems, surface catchment systems (including rock catchment and small earth dams), groundwater dams, and runoff irrigation. For each of these systems site assessment, design, costs, construction, and maintenance are discussed. The document draws on experiences from developing countries, especially from those in Africa.

Notes68 ref.
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