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This report identifies the policy priorities for Netherlands Development Assistance (NEDA) in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

TitleWater for the future : integrated water resources management : policy priorities for Netherlands development assistance
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsDiphoorn, B
Secondary TitlePolicy and best practice document series / DGIS
Volumeno. 2
Paginationxiii, 69 p. : 8 boxes, 4 fig., photogr.
Date Published1998-07-01
PublisherNetherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9053281894
Keywordsexternal support agencies, government organizations, guidelines, institution building, netherlands, planning, policies, sdiwrm, water resources management, water use

This report identifies the policy priorities for Netherlands Development Assistance (NEDA) in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The principles for prioritization are outlined, including: sustainability, efficiency, accountability, conflict mitigation and subsidiarity. This is followed by the identification of policy priorities in two areas: building institutional capacities and support to water uses and functions. Under the second area the policy priorities will emphasize the overall policy context of NEDA and the key issues in IWRM, with poverty alleviation, equity (especially gender equity) and ecosystems maintenance providing criteria for the assessment of individual issues in this broad field. The report ends with a consideration of the issues involved in moving from policy to actions. An overview is provided of the actions needed from different levels (DGIS, Netherlands Embassies, NEDA recipient governments and NGOs and other agencies) to follow through the policy priorities presented in this report.

Notes22 ref.
Custom 1210



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