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TitleWater disclosure 2.0 : assessment of current and emerging practice in corporate water reporting
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsMorrison, J, Schulte, P
Pagination69 p. : 14 boxes, 34 fig., 1 tab.
Date Published2009-03-01
PublisherPacific Institute
Place PublishedOakland, CA, USA
ISSN Number9781893790209
Keywordsimpact assessment, industrial use, policies, sdiwrm, sustainability, water demand, water resources management

Commissioned by the United Nations Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate, this report finds better and more expansive disclosure is critical for understanding the true risks and impacts associated with companies’ water needs. The report examines and analyses corporate reporting on water sustainability for 110 companies across 11 water-intensive sectors. The assessment tracks the six key elements addressed by the CEO Water Mandate: Direct Operations, Supply Chain and Watershed Management, Collective Action, Public Policy, Community Engagement, and Transparency. The CEO Water Mandate was launched by the U.N. Secretary-General in 2007 to help the private sector better understand and address its impacts on and management of water resources. Endorsing companies and external stakeholders have identified transparency as a key issue. The next phase of activity will begin with a compilation and analysis of current practices as a means of advancing water reporting. See the list of endorsing CEOs here.

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