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TitleWater conservation and water demand management strategy for the water services sector
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsZA, SAfrica. De
Pagination24 p.; 4 refs.; 16 tab.; 2 fig.
Date Published2004-08-01
PublisherSouth Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
Place PublishedS.l.
Keywordspoverty, south africa, water conservation, water resources, water resources conservation, water resources development, water resources management

The management of water resources and the provision of water services in South Africa call for a new approach in which Water Conservation and Water Demand Management (WC/WDM) are expected to play a crucial role to ensure environmental sustainability, social equity and
economic development. The National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998) and the Water Services Act (Act 108 of 1997) have provided an enabling environment for WC/WDM. Newly established institutions with roles and responsibilities are expected to integrate WC/WDM into their activities.
This document, focusing on WC/WDM for the Water Services sector, is part of four documents which together, constitute the Water Conservation and Water Demand Management Strategy. It should be read in conjunction with the first of the four documents, the National Water
Conservation and Demand Management Strategy (NWC/WDMS). This document outlines the applicable principles and definitions and spells out the eight generic objectives of the overall strategy. [authors abstract]

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