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TitleWater chlorination : chemistry, environmental impact and health effects. Vol. 5 : Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Water Chlorination : Environmental Impact and Health Effects : Williamsburg, Virginia, June 3-8, 1984
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1985
AuthorsJolley, RL, Davis, WP, Katz, S, Roberts, MH, Bull, RJ
Pagination1575 p.: tab., fig.
Date Published1985-01-01
Place PublishedChelsea, MI, USA
ISBN Number0873710053
Keywordscarcinogens, chemical analysis, chloramines, chlorination, chlorine demand, disinfection, drinking water, environment, environmental impact assessment, epidemiology, health aspects, impact, models, wastewater treatment, water treatment
NotesIncludes references and index
Custom 1254.2, 71


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