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This book presents an overview of freshwater resources in the Eastern Mediterranean. Case studies from Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Turkey, and North Cyprus estimate water balances and propose methods for regional cooperation in water management.

TitleWater balance in the Eastern Mediterranean
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsBrooks, DB, Mehmet, O
Paginationxxii, 162 p. : fig., tabs
Date Published2000-01-01
PublisherInternational Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Place PublishedOttawa, Ont, Canada
ISBN Number0889369070
Keywordsaccess to water, case studies, costs, cyprus, international cooperation, israel, jordan, middle east, palestine, sdimed, sdiwrm, tanker transport, turkey, uemk, water balance, water resources management

This book presents an overview of freshwater resources in the Eastern Mediterranean. Case studies from Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Turkey, and North Cyprus estimate water balances and propose methods for regional cooperation in water management.

NotesIncluding references
Custom 1210, 823


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