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TitleWater and health in Europe : a joint report from the European Environment Agency and the WHO Regional Office for Europe
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsBartram, J, Thyssen, N, Gowers, A, Pond, K, Lack, T
Secondary TitleWHO Regional Publications European series
Volumeno. 93
Paginationxxiii, 222 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
Date Published2002-01-01
PublisherWorld Health Organization (WHO)
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
ISSN Number9289013605
Keywordsdrinking water, europe, legislation, sdipol, water pollution, water quality, water supply, water treatment

The state of water resources in Europe has been reviewed, considering both availability and quality of potable water. It assesses the accessibility and quality of potable water supply accross the region and describes the public health implications of inadequate and contaminated sources.
Chapters 4 and 5 are specifically dealing with access to water and health impacts. Aspects covered in these chapters: coverage with drinking water supply, continuity of drinking water, drinking water affordability, consumption of bottled water, water quality, drinking water distribution, re-use and recycling, water transfers, restricted access to drinking water, drinking water quality, infections, chemical parameters, flooding drought and disease, recreational water, health and disease, and vector-borne diseases.
Chapter 6 is dealing with present policies, and describes quantity and quality management.

Notes226 ref.
Custom 1820


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