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TitleWater and climate change : understanding the risks and making climate-smart investment decisions
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsAlavian, V, Qaddumi, HM, Dickson, E, Diez, SM, Danilenko, AV, Hirji, RF, Puz, G, Pizarro, C, Jacobsen, M, Blankespoor, B
Secondary TitleWorld Bank staff working paper
Volumeno. 52911
Paginationxxx, 140 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published2009-11-01
PublisherWorld Bank
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsclimate, economic aspects, environmental impact, investment, sdiwrm, socioeconomic impact, water quantity, water resources, water use
NotesIncludes references and glossary
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